“The doctors say his life is in danger. What do we do?”

His smile was able to light up any room, but that’s been replaced by screams or pain.

Akram is a young child from Yemen - a country that has been plagued by conflict for years. Despite the challenges they face every day, his parents remain hopeful that their little boy will have a chance to live a happy and healthy life.

When we met Akram and his father at the hospital, the little boy was lying on a hospital bed, while a doctor examined his fragile body. His father sat beside him, holding the child’s hand.

"It’s been the most difficult time of our lives. My boy has been sick for months now - he’s in constant misery. We’re struggling to get him the treatment he needs.”

Despite the family's best efforts - they were unable to get the medical care that Akram required in Yemen. They had to sell everything they owned just to afford the journey to the hospital where we met them.

"We have nothing left," his father said, tears welling up in his eyes. "We are desperate for help."

As we spoke, Akram lay still on the hospital bed, his eyes filled with tears as he fought to stay alive. His father told us that his son had been diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, and that he needed urgent medical intervention.

"We are praying for a miracle," he said, his voice breaking with emotion. "We just want our little boy to have a chance at life."

It was heartbreaking to see a father so desperate and in need of help. As we left the hospital, their story stayed with us for a long time. It's hard to imagine what they must be going through, but one thing is clear - they need our help.

We ask for your donations, no matter how big or small.
Every little bit counts, and your generosity can make a huge difference in the lives of families like this - who have lost everything.

Thank you for your generosity.

All funds raised are used to directly assist beneficiaries in crisis areas, to bring awareness of their struggles to the world, and to assist our partners to continue supporting campaigns to help expand our reach to those that depend on our aid the most.

The Al Amal International Charity was started by a group of young volunteers working in Lebanon to help those who needed it most. Despite witnessing first hand the efforts of other civil organizations in the area, it was very clear there was more work to be done.

So they organized and got to work! From Lebanon they expanded and now meet major funding gaps in Turkey, Seria, Palestine, and Yemen.

While other organizations focus on high conflict areas, Al Amal International Charity spreads their help to include those who are outside direct conflict zones, but are still affected.

For nearly a decade, The Najam Institute has dedicated themselves to spreading the most valuable resource of all - knowledge. Through a variety of online classes, webinars, virtual and in-person events, The Najam Institute has curated hundreds of valuable materials for the Ummah at all levels.

We’re incredibly happy to announce our most recent partnership with the Al Amal International Charity. With the help of AAIC, The Najam Institute can expand their mission and provide more than knowledge -- but actual resources, food, and assistance to all those that need help.

It’s thanks to your resources, time, and effort that we’ve already made such a big difference in the day to day lives of thousands. Now, with AAIC assisting our efforts, we’re excited to help more people than ever before possible.

Najam Institute Foundation is a Registered 501(c)(3), Tax ID 83-4231488.
Your donation is tax-deductible.